February 26, 2009

Update 02/26

We are getting behind on posting! Yikes!

We just wanted to update our readers. We have been going through a lot- mentally, physically, and financially.

I'll start with the computers. Our new one went down for some reason one night and we couldn't figure out what was going on! We realized it was the power supply but we had to wait until payday to buy one. So we brought out Old Trusty (our old ass computer) and it worked- for a few nights. Then it started saying something about a signal cable. Damnit. So we bought a signal cable for the monitor, thinking that was the problem. It didn't work so we gave up. We ended up going to the library to use their public computers for almost 4 days straight and we finally bought the power supply. We're not exactly experts at it so it took us a while to install it but it worked!

Then I (Angela) ended up going to the Emergency Room on the 21st because of heart palpitations. They said I was dehydrated but I knew I wasn't because I've been dehydrated before- that never happened. We did some research and my mom saw symptoms of potassium AS WELL AS magnesium deficiency. I had almost every symptom and we realized that's what caused the heart palpitations. But they couldn't "treat' me because I don't have insurance. But my heart rate in triage was 122 and a high blood pressure. They took blood, put me on fluids, and it came down a little. Yet they still released me when I said I still had the heart palpitations, though they weren't as bad! Sheesh! Way to go, docs! But I had a nice nurse. Yea. I liked her.

Smokie, my cat, is expecting any day now. She should only have 1 or 2 kittens at the most since she is 6 years old and a cat's litter gets smaller as she gets older. I know this will be her last litter. Zeus, on the other hand, is back to his normal self. He does have a limp but he's back to running, biting, and chasing the cats. They're not amused.

Manders is doing well. Ain't nothing has changed- except her hair color. She has purple hair! Don't believe me? Look for yourself!-->

Crazy, ain't it?! I only dyed my hair black to jet black. I don't have the guts to change my hair something that isn't natural. But I think it looks good on her.

I've been thinking of holding some sort of giveaway that isn't themed-style. Something totally out of the ordinary and something you wouldn't expect. Okay, well you might considering what we listen to, but hey, who knows. I might have to talk to Manders about it.


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