October 23, 2008

This Is Halloween.....

Since Halloween is just right around the corner (8 more days... so get those costumes ready), this holiday makes me think of trick-or-treating when I was young. Oh yes, sorry by the way, there will be no pictures for the costume story. They were burned in a 2001 house fire.

So, shall we carry on??

When my sister and I were about 8 years old, we both wanted to be Minnie Mouse for Halloween. Well, since my mother would be the only one getting our costumes, make-up, and hair together, she had to come up with way to make it cheaper.

Mom bought one Minnie Mouse costume- and 2 pairs of mouse ears. No, she didn't make us share. She decided to replicate the costume. It didn't matter if the fabric was lighter or if the tulle wasn't as great quality. She did what she could. However, the sewing of the costume made it look exact- minus the small change in color. We didn't care, we would still become Minnie Mouse.

As Halloween rolls around, we started getting the glitter to go in our hair and on our face. Mom bought non-toxic make-up for our cheeks. How can I forget the black noses we donned? We were adorable. Every house we went to, we got extra candy. How could you pass up twins that had a cute Minnie Mouse costume on? We felt like we owned that block!

Now, whenever twins come up and knock on my door, I give them a little something extra. Perhaps those Snicker bars will give them more energy!


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