October 18, 2008

Twin Questions: Deny then, laugh at later

Being twins, you get asked the most redundant questions of ALL time. I think I got most of the questions in elementary and middle school. Looking back on them now, I know they were just curious, but some of them just made me want to smash a textbook on my head. You know the questions, and the bolded answers are what I should have said!

1) If I hit you, will she feel it?
No, but i'm sure if I hit you, you'd know what it feels like.

2) Are you guys sisters?
Oh no! You figured us out!!

3) Do you share everything?
Sure, we share everything from our drinks to our pillows. I thought everyone did that!

4) Do ya'll have the same classes?
Yeah, it's a two-fer for the teachers.... NOT!

On this next one, I did actually get this question in middle school. I didn't answer him because frankly, does it really need an answer?? I laugh about it now because I guess they've never experienced two people that look alike.

5) Do you share the same birthday?
Well.... twins usually do, don't they?


When my sister and I were little, we looked so much alike it was scary- you didn't know which one is which.

By the way, we're fraternal- not identical.

I still get questions if my sister and I are twins. Some of them are asked by old people- so I can't exactly be such a smartass. I do, however, feel like every time we go out, we should be wearing a t-shirt that says "Yes, we're twins."


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