October 30, 2008

Who are we?

(Let's use this picture again so you get the idea. Right? Good, let's go on!)

Okay, this post, I thought I would let you in on your blog hostesses (is that even a word?). First off, let's start with the blue-haired twin. Well, the blue is no longer there, but you get the idea. Cool? Cooooooooel!! Then, a few posts later, you'll meet the other twin. Thumbs up for that!!

The blue-haired woman is me, Amanda. I'm from Texas (yeehaw!) and 23 years old. It doesn't seem like it in the above picture, does it? I didn't think so either. We need a new one done. Hey Twiiiiiiiiin, let's make Saturday picture day, okay?

............................................................. want that one...... oooh! Christmas gift alert........
Sorry, got distracted. Darn those cute Etsy shops!

Anyways, what can I say about me.... Amanda. I'm a mean-spirited, egotistical and stubborn southern gal....... GOTCHA! I'm not actually mean-spirited or egotistical. I can be stubborn, and how far south can you go than Texas? On second thought, don't answer that one.

Before you ask who's older, the other twin is by 1 minute.

Now that we have that answered, let's keep on truckin'. I love anything Christmas, Halloween, or teddy bears. I have a thing for teddy bears. I don't know why. Also, I love anything that matches something else- like twins. It's just a natural thing.

Now that you have a TINY taste of what i'm about, looking for the next post about the other twin.

If you have any questions, ask them! No question is too offensive, big, small, stupid, or just random!


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