October 21, 2008

TWIN FOR SALE!!!!! Everything must go!

No, i'm not really selling my twin. You do get the idea of what this subject is all about, right? Right?!

Okay kids..... it's STORY TIME!!! Sit on the magic rug and pay attention. Tommy, stop hitting Olivia or I will have to call your mom. Allison, that's not edible! Don't put that in your mouth! Once every one has settled down, I will start.

If you have a twin sibling, you know what it's like to feel like you're in some competition vying for mom's attention. It happens. However, have you ever felt like just putting them up on eBay? Well, at least the shipping would be free! No, i'm not telling you to go on eBay and advertise your sibling.

When I was a few years younger than I am now, we would have family meetings about money and how we could save. Being the opportunity-taker that I am, I raised my hand. When my mom called on me, I didn't take much time voicing my opinion.

Mom: Yes, Amanda?
Me: How about if we sell Angela?
Mom: Say that again?
Me: How about if we sell Angela?
Mom: (starts laughing)
Me: I'm sure people would pay a lot for her.
Mom: (continues to laugh)

Apparently, she didn't like the idea by what she said next.

Mom: We can't sell your sister. And we won't sell your sister.

I then looked at my sister and said "Fine! You better watch Mr. Hops-A-Lot (name changed to protect identity) or he'll be bunny-napped!" I wasn't really
going to steal Mr. Hops-A-Lot. I just wanted the fear to run through her.

Of course, she knows I was just kidding. At least, I hope she did. Maybe that's why whenever she gets a stuffed animal (she still loves them at the age of 23), she hides them from me. Oops! My bad. Sorry there, Sis.

It's also Before & After picture time! Here's a picture of us really young at Chr
istmastime. If you can't notice, we're the ones that are dressed a-like. Thanks, Mom. The next one isn't extremely recent, but it's still quite a jump there! Notice the blue hair.... that's me!!!


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