December 9, 2008


Wow, it's been so long since i've written anything. I'm terribly sorry about that. You know how life goes, right? One thing happens and then it's an avalanche. Well, you ready for some updates? Alrighty then...

First off, we had Thanksgiving dinner at my grandmother's house. It wasn't my first choice, but since we wouldn't see anyone until next year, I thought we might as well go over there and see what has been going on in our relatives' lives. I found out that my cousin's husband is in Baghdad right now. I feel sorry for her and their son. However, he does get leave sometime soon, so he gets to see them. That'll be wonderful!

I'm on the hunt for a boyfriend. As long as he has a beating heart and a personality, I don't care otherwise. Wait, I take that back. There's a small list, but it's things that I will not give up. Respect towards my family and I is definitely one of the items i'm not giving up. There's more to the list, but who wants to hear a boring old list of must-haves for a boyfriend?

My dearest sister is doing good, too! In fact, soon she'll be the one writing some articles! Finally I won't have to do all of the thinking. Yippee!

Soon we'll both be turning 24 (Dec 12). We don't have anything special planned, but knowing that I share it with her is good enough! I already have her gift (I've had it for a few weeks now) and her card is already sealed. So when she wakes up that day (she's an early bird!), i'll put it somewhere where she can see it and she can either open it or wait for me to wake up. If I know her, she'll end up waking me up as soon as she sees it. Bring on the coffee!

So anyways, Christmas/Yule/Other holidays are coming up. We have our tree up, but no presents yet. So would you like to see it? It's not big, but it's cute and fits our personality!

Now the cats can't try to knock down the decorations, and the puppy can't pull the tree down. I think that this year we've outsmarted them. 1 points for the humans.

Now that I think my insomnia has finally passed, i'm going to try to get some sleep. Let's hope I don't get awoken by... well... anything!

Good night!!


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